
No Future of Work without Social Innovation!

In the last decade labour markets have undergone significant change and the employment industry is convinced that this trend will continue to accelerate. In its Manifesto “No Future of Work without Social Innovation”, the World Employment Confederation calls upon policymakers and relevant stakeholders to promote and implement social innovation and to work in partnership to build open, inclusive and sustainable labour markets that enable everyone – individuals, businesses and society at large.

Published on 3rd October 2017

Technology and new forms of work are driving huge shifts in the way labour is organised and distributed. In order to cope with this increasingly complex work environment, the World Employment Confederation believes that labour markets need social innovation to become futureproof. To tackle challenges linked to the increasing diversity of forms of work, the following solutions should be considered:

  1. Access for all: Secure equal and full access to the labour market through various forms of work.
  2. A fair job for all: Guarantee meaningful and decent working conditions regardless of an individual’s work contract.
  3. Towards a new Social Deal: implement modernised social protection schemes to reflect new workplaces.
  4. Skills for jobs: Equip all workers with the skills they need to succeed in the labour market
  5. Responsible intermediation: Enforce a level-playing field between labour market intermediaries.
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