
European Services Social Partners adopt joint statement on strengthening social dialogue

The European Services’ social partners – including the World Employment Confederation-Europe – adopted a joint statement highlighting the all-important role of social partners in building a resilient Europe and reiterated their commitment to keep on strengthening sectoral social dialogue in the services industry.

Published on 27th January 2021

The Joint Statement, signed by UNI Europa, WEC Europe, Insurance Europe, EBF, Coiffure EU, CoESS, EFCI, EuroCommerce and ETNO, highlights that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the services’ sectors have proven their importance and enabled our economies and societies to keep going. At European level, sectoral social dialogue of the services sectors has provided the framework for the discussion and adoption of joint statements, recommendations, guidelines and proved to be an essential channel to communicate sectoral needs to the European institutions.

Services’ social partners emphasised the importance of a constructive sectoral social dialogue. Sectoral social dialogue was instrumental in engaging common discussions in the sectors on the consequences for the ‘after Covid-19’ world of work as well as the requirements for recovery. The joint signatories seek to exchange further with the European Commission on how to strengthen it during these critical times and make several suggestions to make the most out of the European sectoral social dialogue.

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